About Wisdom

What is WISDOM

The word denotes what we want to provide? The ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, insight and above all happiness with peace in it.

How WISDOM Works

WISDOM offers an intensive, effective, program that will be tailored to your needs to give you the best possible opportunity of sobriety. With a concentration on dealing with the underlying issues of why you use drugs or alcohol in the first place, and a commitment from us to teach you better coping skills, and a full set of effective tools to utilize them, you can walk a path of sobriety.

Rehab Process at WISDOM

Drug or alcohol rehabilitation works at WISDOM by taking you away from your daily triggers and stresses that lead to your drug or alcohol use in the first place. Once you are in a safe environment away from drugs or alcohol, you can concentrate on starting the process of living a life free of substance abuse, willingly.

You can do it; we know you can, and would be honored to lead you along the path to a happy, fulfilled life, without the need to use drugs or alcohol. It can be done. We know hundreds of people who graduated the WISDOM program and are doing it now as you read this.

WISDOM offers an intensive, effective, program that will be tailored to your needs to give you the best possible opportunity of sobriety. With a concentration on dealing with the underlying issues of why you use drugs or alcohol in the first place, and a commitment from us to teach you better coping skills, and a full set of effective tools to utilize them, you can walk a path of sobriety.

Your Addiction Treatment Program includes

  • Daily Group Sessions
  • One to One Counseling
  • Relapse Awareness Groups